Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Best Tricep Workout

Most bodybuilders tend to concentrate on the biceps when training
arms and tend to neglect the triceps. What many people tend to
forget is that the tricep is the biggest muscle in the arm. It is
the large tricep that makes an arm look big. The exercises
described below will help you in your quest for huge arms.

The first exercise described is the Tricep Pushdowns. This exercise
is great for building mass. These should be done with the feet about
10 to 12 inches apart while standing up straight. Try to avoid
leaning forward as much as possible. Each rep should be performed
slowly and in a controlled manner. You should not have to swing
the body in order to lift the weight. When pressing down on the
bar, the rep is not complete until the arms are fully extended.
At this point you should pause for a second while flexing the
tricep muscles. When lowering the weight stack back down, try
to do it slowly as if you were doing a negative. The bar should
only be brought up to about the mid section or around the top row
of abdominals. Remember to keep your elbows in tight and don't
train so heavy that it causes you to lose your form. Also, try
to get a higher number of reps out of this exercise, somewhere
in the neighborhood of 12-15. Try to make this range the point
to where total exhaustion occurs. Another thing to keep in mind
when doing this exercise in regard to form is to try to keep from
letting the cable rest on either side of body. Try to keep the
cable center and directly in front of the head. This prevents one
arm from being stressed more than the other. Try to do at least
4 sets of these. Always ensure that the muscle is getting fatigued,
If not, go heavier. The only way the muscle will grow is if it's
forced to.

The next exercise is the same as the Tricep Pushdown but the
difference is a reverse grip. The palms of the hand should be
facing upward instead of downward as with the basic pushdown.
This exercise also directly trains the tricep heads. This exercise
is a little more difficult than the previous because the elbows
cannot be used as much as a support. The tricep is doing all of the
work in this exercise. The procedure is performed basically the same.
You should also perform these with the same smooth and controlled
motion. Push the bar down until the arms are fully extended and pause
for a second, flex the triceps and finish the rep by allowing the bar
to raise about as high as the midsection. You may have to go lighter
in weight on these because of the difficulty of the exercise. The main
thing that you want to focus on is the form and the number of reps.
Try to perform a large number of reps when doing these. A range of
15 to 20 is about right.

This exercise is called the One-Arm Tricep Extension. To perform this
exercise, it is better done sitting on a bench so form will not be
sacrificed. Take a dumbell in one hand and hold it extended over the
head. Keeping your upper arm and elbow stationary, and close to your
head, lower the dumbell in an arc behind your head. Feel the triceps
stretch as much as possible by ensuring you fully stretch the arm.
Press the dumbell back up to the starting position. Finish your set
with one arm them repeat the movement with the other arm. Make sure
your form and style are strict. Use a lighter dumbell to start with
to ensure good form. Keep your body, head, and upper arm fixed
throughout the movement- only the forearm should be moving. The
shoulders should be kept square to the front. Try sitting in front
of a mirror when performing these so the form and style can be
noticed. One variation to this exercise is to use a heavier dumbell
held in both hands instead of one.

The last exercised is Kickbacks. This exercise is unbeatable when
it comes to getting that final burn. This exercise is performed by
holding a dumbell in one arm while leaning forward at about a 45
degree angle while using a bench to support your free arm. Push
the dumbell to the rear ensuring the arm is in a fixed position.
The upper arm around the bicep and tricep should be kept parallel
to the floor. When perfoming each rep, make sure only the elbow
joint is moving and not the entire arm. It is not necessary to
use heavy weights for this exercise because like I said before,
the object is to give the tricep that final pump and burn. This
is a high rep exercise. When I say that I mean It should be in
the 20 to 30 rep range. I cannot stress enough how important
form is when doing this exercise. If your form is not correct
as with any exercise, you are not getting 100% of the benefit
out of the effort you put into it. After a few sets of these
and in conjunction with all of the other exercises described,
your tricpes should be pumped to the max.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Huge Biceps Workout

Arms are usually the first noticed, they project power and define
the remainder of your physique. When training arms, it is must
that you progressively increase the poundage, intensity, and
variety of exercises. More sets is not always better, but more
intensity is.

Here are the three most basic and effective exercises:

1) The Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl - A great warm up exercise
and a major mass builder. At the start of the rep, with the palm
facing the outer thigh, as the curl begins, twist the wrist upward.
At the end of the rep, squeeze the bicep (flex) for a peak
contraction. On the decent, resist the weight. Try not to swing
the weights, instead, you can apply lots of power to the upper
half of the curl by "tucking" your body under slightly to get
more of a press and squeeze on the heaviest sets. This is one
advantage of the standing position. Always remember that this
exercise demands intense concentration on the contraction of
each arm in order to receive maximum effectiveness.

2) The Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl - Has the same effect as
standing curls, except that they provide more muscle isolation.
With these, you cant use body language to help power the weight
up. Seated curls also demand more mental effort, because of the
concentrated nature of the movement. Still, the same rules apply:
Squeeze up, supinate as you go, then resist strongly on the
return to avoid letting your body rock and forth. One option to
consider is using a bench with a back support to minimize the
chances of swinging the weights.

3)The Barbell Curl - Particularly useful as a mass builder. You
can do this exercise alone but it is considerably more effective
when being performed with a partner. The exercise described is
call "build ups". These are performed with 2 people standing in
front of each other with a selected weight than can be handled by
both trainers. The goal is to pyramid 7 reps. For example, You
pick up the weights and complete 1 rep. Pass the weight to your
partner and they too shall perform 1 rep. The weight is then
returned to the first partner to complete 2 reps. The weight is
then given back to the second partner again and they will
complete 2 reps. Then pass the weight back so the first can
complete 3 reps. Etc.. This procedure will continue until 7 reps
are completed by both parties. After seven reps is completed,
then work your way back down. 6,5,4, etc... This technique may
sound very simple and easy, but once you try it I'm positive
you will have a change of heart.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Basic Tips for Healthy Eating

Little changes add up to big improvements over time. The following are
some tips on adopting a better eating style for life:

* Plan ahead. Prepare or plan your meals at least a day ahead. Avoid
eating on the run - impulsive food choices are more likely to be poor

* Shop wisely. Don't shop for groceries when you're hungry - your
impulses may override your good sense. Hit the outside aisles first.
That's where the vegetables and fruits - foods you want to emphasize
- are usually found.

* Order carefully. In restaurants, look for foods that are broiled,
grilled, baked, or steamed rather than fried. Ask to have dressings
and sauces served on the side. If a dish is unfamiliar to you, ask
the waiter to describe how it is prepared.

* Cook creatively. Cooking at home gives you more control over
ingredients, cooking methods, and cost. Home cooking doesn't have
to be plain. Look at creating healthy, tasty meals as a challenge,
not as a chore.

* Think positively. Eating right has a lot to do with attitude.
If you succumb to temptation once in a while, don't panic. Just
get back on track at your next meal.

* Involve others. Invite family and friends to share your nutritious
meals. Any dining experience is more fun when it's enjoyed with good

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Massive Chest Workout

Just as having big arms project power, A powerful chest always gets
respect. The chest is also one of the first noticed attributes about
a bodybuilder. The weight lifting routine below along with your
dedication will make your chest as powerful and respected as possible.

1) The Bench Press - Without a doubt the most basic and effective
means to build the chest. The bench press should be the primary
exercise for any chest routine, all other exercises should be
subordinate. You should provide you chest with a good warmup cycle.
Try a weight in which you can rep out at least 15 reps without any
muscle strain. After a good warmup I go right to the heavy weights.

2) The Dumbbell Bench Press - The only exercise that can even come
close to the bench press for building mass on the chest. The
advantage that this has over the bench press is the range of motion.
The bench press limits you in range because the bar can only go as
far as touching the chest. The dumbbell press allows you to go beyond
that point. With the dumbbells, you can get more of a stretch. Bring
the dumbbells down slowly and evenly and ensure the palms are facing
up and outward. When bringing the weights up, twist the wrists
inward so the palms are facing each other and pause for a second to
squeeze the chest muscles together. You want to do this for every rep.
Do at least 4 sets with 8 to 10 reps per set. The main thing to
consider on this exercise is form. You want each rep to be smooth
and controlled.

3) The Incline Dumbbell Press - An excellent means for building the
upper chest. The only precaution is to ensure you don't go to heavy
and damage or overwork the shoulders. You want to bring the weights
down slowly and controlled with wrists up and outward, and push up
on the weights turning the wrists inward to squeeze the chest at
the end of the rep.

4) The Cable-Cross - This exercise should not be used by
beginners who still does not have a basic foundation built. This
exercise is mainly for builders with a chest foundation already
built and want to perfect it. I see it all the time in the gym
where newcomers perform many sets of cable crosses and all for
nothing. It really isn't necessary to do extremely heavy weights
with this machine because like I said before, it is used to
perfect what you already have. Therefore what is important is the
form and the number of reps. You want to go with a weight in
which you can perform up to 15 reps with. Start with the arms
straight out and bring your hands together. Hold the arms in this
position for a second and squeeze the pec muscles together. Repeat
this for every rep.

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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Action List for Fruits and Vegetables

Did you know there are at least four great reasons to eat more fruits
and vegetables?

1) It is easy to do.

2) Almost all are low in calories and fat.

3) They are a good source of vitamins and minerals and provide fiber.

4) They may help reduce cancer risk.

Here are some actions to get you started and keep you going. Try two
or three actions now and try more later.

Buy many kinds of fruits and vegetables when you shop, so you have
plenty of choices, and you don't run out. Buy frozen, dried, and
canned as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

First, use the fruits and vegetables that go bad easily (peaches,
asparagus). Save hardier varieties (apples, acorn squash) or frozen
and canned types for later in the week.

Use the salad bar to buy cut-up fruits/vegetables if you're in a

Keep a fruit bowl, small packs of applesauce, raisins or other
dried fruit on the kitchen counter, table, or in the office.

Pack a piece of fruit or some cut-up vegetables in your briefcase
or backpack; carry moist towelettes for easy cleanup.

Keep a bowl of cut-up vegetables on the top shelf of the

Add fruit to breakfast by drinking 6 oz of 100 percent fruit juice
or by having fruit on cereal.

Add fruits and vegetables to lunch by having them in soup, salad,
or cut-up raw.

Add fruits and vegetables to dinner by microwaving or steaming
vegetables and having a special fruit desert.

Increase portions when you serve vegetables and fruits. Season
them the low-fat way with herbs, spices, and lemon juice. If sauce
is used, choose a nonfat or low-fat sauce.

Choose fruit for dessert. For a special dessert, try a fruit
parfait with low-fat yogurt or sherbet topped with berries.

Add extra varieties of vegetables when you prepare soups, sauces,
and casseroles (for example, grate carrot and zucchini into
spaghetti sauce.

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Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
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