Monday, April 20, 2020

Build Your Own Home Gym Equipment

Save Hundreds, Build Your Own Power Rack / Multi-Gym From Common Materials, No Welding, Easy Detailed Plans.

Perform over ten exercises, bench press, squat, T- bar row, cable rows, standing calf machine lat pull-downs, tricep extensions, standing cable flyes, partial lifts, abdominal cable crunches, cable side laterals, hanging leg raises, chins, cable bicep curls, bent over cable laterals, incline bench press, and more.

Safety bars eliminate the need for a spotter; all materials can be obtained from your local lumber yard and industrial supply outlet. There is no welding required.

There are fully detailed plans, diagrams, and drawings. Construction is quick and straightforward, no special skills required, can be built for a fraction of the cost of commercial power racks and does more.

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