Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Did you know you can lose fat just by doing one simple thing, and it
doesn't require any time, effort or money. Want to know what it is?

Stop Drinking Your Calories

Fat loss programs work by reducing your total calorie intake. The
problem is that people don't like eating less and most of those plans
are gimmicky and take a lot of effort. By simply not drinking
anything high in calories, you can get this reduced-calorie benefit
with no real effort at all.

Read the full article at What to Drink for Fitness

Also see our archived articles of bodybuilding newsletters and fitness newsletters

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Many bodybuilders are confused on what they should eat, well this is my healthy grocery shopping list for bodybuilders – it should help you get a good idea of what you should buy when you go to the grocery store. You will notice I stick to foods as close to nature as possible with no processed or junk food (except on a rare cheat day).

Bodybuilding Grocery List

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What is Strength?

Strength is the ability of muscles or a group of muscles to generate
force. You can't get anymore simple than that.

Read the full article at Types of Strength

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What is brolic?

Brolic definition: Brolic is a slang word meaning big, muscular, buff, diesel, built and possibly tough and aggressive. An example would be "Nobody messes with that dude, cuz he's crazy brolic."

Do you want to learn how to get brolic fast? Then read this article in full...

Is it possible to get brolic fast?


Will it be easy?

NO! You will have to work hard at it.

But this article will give you some great tips on building up fast.

How to Get Brolic Fast

For more information on getting mad brolic checkout the...

Truly Huge Bodybuilding Program - This program can boost your recuperation ability, allowing you to increase your strength every workout and make size gains every week. The human body is quite capable of making gains each and every week, if it is trained and rested at the proper time within the recuperative cycle. You will also learn the "laws" that guarantee you huge muscle growth and how to blast through all plateaus!

Go to Build Huge Muscles Fast

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Potato Panic
by Dwayne Hines

Have you noticed the attack on potatoes in the press? Potatoes even
made the front page of the Wall Street Journal recently. The story is
the move by the Department of Agriculture to eliminate the potato
from school breakfasts – at least federally subsidized breakfasts.
And they are also going to be largely removed from lunch menus as

All of this concern about getting the potato off the menus begs the
question – what is wrong with the potato? Is it some nefarious food
element that will drastically harm children? Should you also avoid
the potato like the plague?

Are Potatoes Good or Bad?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My intention is to bring something new and fresh that will enhance
your training such as using hindu squats as the foundation of your
bodyweight exercises workout.

During my search to find a workout that would enhance my functional
strength, help me tone up, increase my conditioning, and improve my
health, I’ve come across a workout that truly seems to work.

Hindu Squat Workout

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thursday, June 02, 2011

You probably don't even use this exercise. I doubt that even 1% of
the gym populace uses this exercise. That's too bad because there
aren't too many exercises that are more productive. I'd rate it as
the third best exercise of all, only bettered by the deadlift and
the squat.

One thing is for certain: no other exercise builds more functional
upper body strength than this one.

The Standing Press: The Best Upper Body Exercise

Now you too can learn these awesome result producing muscle
shock training techniques in...

"Muscle Building Secrets Revealed!"

Secret training methods used by pro bodybuilders for the
last 40 years!

If you're not happy with your current bodybuilding progress
then go to Muscle Building Secrets Revealed