Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Vince Gironda Exercises
The following is a list of what Vince Gironda considered the best
exercise for each muscle group and that all other exercises were
only substitutes or variations.
Lateral Raise. Most bodybuilders have over developed front delts
from doing the bench press, and overhead press, but it's the side
or lateral part of the delt that really creates shoulder width.
The lateral raise builds the side delt and sculpts wide shoulders.
Dips on a parallel bar that is 33" wide, if it is not you will not
receive the intended benefit from this movement. Anything wider
or narrower will not work the pecs as desired. The most important
execution of the movement is in the elbows: They must be wide and
straight out from the shoulders. The head has to be in a down
position with the chin resting on the upper chest and the back
should be rounded forward.
Lat Pulls. In order for this movement to produce the intended
results you must use a pulley that is 6' off the ground. Most
lat machines and triceps machines are too high to get the
desired results. If you do not have access to a machine or
facility with a pulley 6' off the ground you can use a regular
lat machine but it will not be the same
Triceps rope pulldown. Reach back over your head and grab the
ends of a knotted rope attached to the pulley and cable. With
the elbows and head resting on the bench, pull to arms length
and lockout. When you let the rope back to the starting
position make certain your hands touch the upper back.
Vince Gironda Barbell curl. Start by resting your elbows on
your pelvis or hip bones and your body inclined with head and
shoulders in back of the hips. As the barbell is curled the
first 10 or 12 inches start moving the body, head and
shoulders, forward until your body is in erect position.
Then as you continue to curl the barbell incline your body,
head and shoulders, forward and complete the movement with a
forceful contraction of the biceps. Now reverse the sequence
as you lower the barbell to the starting position. It should
take you about 6 seconds to perform one curl.
Thigh squat. "But I thought Vince was opposed to squats?" He
was, at least the way one would normally perform the movement.
Start the movement as you would a front squat, with the bar
high on the chest resting on the front of the delts. Place
your heels about 12 inches wide and on a 2 x 4. From this
position begin your descent but keep your hips forward and
under your shoulders at all times. As you rise up, the hips
move forward until they are well out in front of the body.
In the top position your knees should remain bent and your
hips out in front of your shoulders and your shoulders over
your heels.
Calf raise. For this movement, it will be assumed you have
access to a standing calf machine. If you do not you can use
a belt and chain and hang a dumbbell between your knees.
Place the ball of your feet and toes on a block 3" tall.
Feet are to be placed parallel, 4 inches apart. Keep your
knees slightly bent throughout the movement. As you rise up
on your toes, bring your heels together and place the full
load on your big toe and the toe next to it. Contract
forcefully and lower all the way down for a full stretch.
Frog sit ups. Lie flat on your back and draw your heels up
under your hips wide and out to the sides like a frog.
Place your hands with a barbell plate behind your head.
Curl the head down with the chin to the chest as the
shoulders round forward curling the upper body until
only the small of the back remains in contact with the
The Workout and Nutrition Secrets of Vince Gironda
Learn what Vince had to say about steroid use, training,
nutrition, and supplements and much more of his remarkable
insight and knowledge.
Vince's programs were known for producing the fastest
muscle building results in the shortest period of time.
Learn Vince's best known training programs, some of his
little known programs, and some of his forgotten methods.
Go to Vince Gironda
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Benefits of Corosolic Acid
What Is Corosolic Acid?
Corosolic acid is a is a natural weight loss substance from the
Lagerstroemia speciosa plant, and has been reported to have
influence on blood sugar.
Corosolic Acid Benefits
Benefits of Corosolic Acid has been reported in studies to lower
blood sugar and activate and move the sugar inside of the cells
to fuel energy.
Corosolic acid is also a strong anti-oxidant to scavenge and
neutralize free radicals and Corosolic acid is also believed to
support normal kidney function and help prevent damage to blood
Helps balances blood sugar
Helps control appetite and cravings
Helps promote weight loss
May help with reaction to stress.
May help maintain cortisol levels within the normal range.
Corosolic Acid Weight Loss
Some researchers observed that individuals receiving corosolic
acid had increased weight loss - an average of approximately
3.2 pounds.
Corosolic Acid Sources
Corosolic acid is found in plants such as: Banaba and almond
Corosolic Acid Supplements
For people who are unable to get enough Corosolic Acid in
their regular diet or who have a need for more Corosolic Acid,
Corosolic Acid supplements may be necessary.
Corosolic Acid is just one of the supplements in...
The New Cybergenics Quicktrim 14 Day Weight Loss Kit
Specifically Designed to Promote the Fastest, Most Dramatic
Fat Loss Possible in Only 2 Weeks! A Revolutionary approach
to rapid body shaping. Designed for those who need to lose
body fat NOW.
For full info go to Quick Trim
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Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Ray Mentzer Workout How To Increase Muscle Density
Ray Mentzer Bodybuilder
Ray Mentzer (brother of Mike Mentzer) was Jr. Mr. America 1976,
Mr. USA 1978 and Mr. America 1979.
High Intensity Training For Muscle Growth
Ray, like his brother, trained using Heavy Duty High Tntensity
Training. Although he stopped competing in 1982 he continued to
train as hard as ever and eventually surpassed Mike in size and
muscle density, reaching 270 lbs which was unheard of in the
rly 80's.
Intensity For Density The Ray Mentzer Workout
Ray Mentzer's training was very similar to a workout Arthur
Jones put him through when Ray worked for Nautilus.
This was his 2 to 3 day a week full body routine.
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Calf Raise
Upright Row
Behind Neck Lat Pulldown
Pec Deck or Dumbell Fly
Bench Press
Lateral Raise
Tricep Pushdowns
Barbell Curl
W eighted Crunches
All were done for one set to total muscle failure with
very little rest between exercises.
For more information on Heavy Duty High Intensity Training go to
Mike Mentzer Underground Seminar
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Benefits of Vanadyl Sulfate Supplements
What Is Vanadyl Sulfate?
Vanadyl Sulfate is the most popular and common form of vanadium,
an ultra-trace mineral which works like insulin to increase the
amount of glucose and amino acids driven into the muscle. It is
found in foods such as black pepper, dill seed, radishes, eggs,
shellfish, mushrooms, vegetable oils, buckwheat, and oats.
Vanadium, is important for normal cell function and development.
Vanadyl sulfate may help maintain blood sugar levels in the
normal range.
Vanadyl Sulfate Benefits
Vanadyl Sulfate has been shown to improve the efficiency of
insulin action, thereby allowing for increased protein
synthesis and the use of body fat stores for fuel.
Vanadyl sulfate supports weight loss by promoting glucose
control. Vanadyl sulfate helps in supporting blood sugar and
may reducing hunger pangs, and promoting higher energy levels.
Vanadyl Sulfate Supplements
For people who are unable to get enough vanadium in their
regular diet or who have a need for more vanadium, supplements
may be necessary.
Vanadyl Sulfate is just one of the supplements in...
The New Cybergenics Quicktrim 14 Day Weight Loss Kit
Specifically Designed to Promote the Fastest, Most
Dramatic Fat Loss Possible in Only 2 Weeks! A
Revolutionary approach to rapid b ody shaping. Designed
for those who need to lose body fat NOW.
For full info go to Quick Trim
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Benefits of Chromium Supplements
What Is Chromium?
Chromium is an essential mineral that humans require in trace
amounts. The body needs chromium for normal health and growth.
Chromium is one of the key minerals involved in controlling
both blood sugar levels and fat levels. As the main component
of Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), chromium assists insulin
in reducing blood glucose, by stimulating glucose uptake by
the muscles and other tissues.
Chromium Deficiency
When chromium levels are low, the circulating level of GTF is
low, and insulin is then less effective in reducing blood
sugar. Blood sugar levels therefore remain high, stimulating
further insulin release, which is still blocked from being
effective etc, etc. The perpetuation of this cycle, and its
resultant effects are known as insulin resistance, the
precondition leading to diabetes.
The short term symptoms of chromium deficiency are those of
glucose intolerance, such as hypoglycaemia and mood swings
associated with ups and downs in blood glucose levels,
especially after carbohydrate rich meals. Especially if
the carbohydrates have a high glycaemic index.
Longer term, the problems can be expected are those
associated with diabetes, which is an almost inevitable
consequence of chromium deficiency. High blood pressure,
heart disease, stroke and obesity are all to be expected.
Chromium Benefits
Necessary for many bodily processes, chromium is important
in the burning of carbohydrates and fats in the body, and
in the proper functioning of insulin. That is, it helps
insulin to do its work of making blood sugar available to
the cells.
Many believe that taking chromium helps reduce body fat,
and that it also helps improve muscle tone.
The benefits of chromium also include controlling fat
and cholesterol levels in the blood, and if adequate
amounts are provided to the body, it can help to prevent
hypertension or high blood pressure.
The biggest benefit of Chromium may be its effect on
suppressing appetite, which leads to fat loss.
Chromium Supplements
For people who are unable to get enough chromium in
their regular diet or who have a need for more chromium,
chromium supplements may be necessary.
Chromium is just one of the supplements in...
The New Cybergenics Quicktrim 14 Day Weight Loss Kit
Specifically Designed to Promote the Fastest, Most
Dramatic Fat Loss Possible in Only 2 Weeks! A
Revolutionary approach to rapid body shaping. Designed
for those who need to lose body fat NOW.
For full info go to Quick Trim
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
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Monday, January 12, 2009
Drop Sets / Strip Sets
When I was first learning about bodybuilding training it was obvious
to me that when you come to the end of a set and seemingly cannot do
another repetition, that doesn't necessarily mean the muscles
involved are totally fatigued, only that they are too tired to lift
that amount of weight. If a plate or two is removed, you can do more
repetitions. Take another plate off, and you can keep going even
longer. Each time you do this, you are forcing the muscles to
recruit more muscle fiber. This training principle is called the
Stripping Method. You should never use the Stripping Method at the
beginning of an exercise when you are fresh and strong, but only for
your last set. Since the changes in weight must be made quickly so
that the muscles don't have time to recuperate, it helps to have a
workout partner ready to slip plates off the bar or move the pin
in a machine weight stack. For example, you might do Bench Presses
with the heaviest weight on the bar you can handle for six reps.
Say that weight is 300 pounds. After you have failed, your partner
would quickly strip off weight so that you could do more reps with
250 pounds. I don't recommend going too low, however, unless you
are training for maximum definition, because you won't grow by
handling weights that are too light. Many bodybuilders use this
principle in a different way by working their way down a dumbbell
rack as they do more sets of an exercise and get more and more
Drop sets are another of my favorite ways to shock the body. It
involves doing an exercise with say a set of dumbbells, putting
them down, picking up the next lighter weight, and doing another
set without stopping. This is actually a dumbbell variation of
the Stripping Method. For example, I would do Dumbbell Presses
starting with 70-pound weights and going to failure, then
immediately setting them down and continuing with 60-pound
dumbbells. My muscles were too tired at this point to press 70
pounds, but the remaining unused fiber could still lift the
slightly lighter weight. Again, when the 60-pound weights got
too heavy, I would go down to the 50s, then the 40s, and so on.
Each time I went down the rack I reached a little deeper into
the available muscle tissue to shock and innervate the muscle
more thoroughly. There are a number of ways of varying this
technique; for example, using the dumbbells on a rest/pause
basis-doing the exercise until exhausted, putting down the
weights for ten seconds, then forcing out additional reps-or
working your way up the rack as high as you can, then back down,
doing fewer reps with the heavier weights and more reps with the
lighter ones. Another good exercise to use drop sets on is the
leg extension machine. I sometimes do triple drop sets on this
exercise. I would start by doing a set of 10 on leg extensions
with 130 lbs. then immediately drop the weight to 110 lbs. and
do another set of 10 then immediately drop the weight to 90 lbs.
and rep out as many as I can. You can bet that this will fry
your quads. Try it if you don't believe me. You will be sore
for at least 3 days to the bone after doing this one.
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