Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ten Tips For Those Who Want To Build Muscle....
By Charles R. Taylor

1. Eat Enough
To gain weight and muscle mass is difficult because the body struggles
to keep its weight. To gain mass you need to eat more than your body
requires to maintain its normal functions. You must eat 500 to 1000
extra calories a day to persuade the body to gain more muscle mass.

2. Eat Every Third Hour
You can wait longer between meals, but do you constantly want to be in
an anabolic phase? Your blood sugar should not sink too low, but it will
if you do not eat every 3 to 4 hours. It does not have to be a proper
meal each time you eat. A quick meal or a protein-drink will be enough.

3. Accept a Certain Increase In Body Fat
You have to choose between building muscle or burning fat. You cannot (or
it is very hard to) do this at the same time.

4. Eat a Proper Breakfast
At night, when you are asleep, the body is subversive because you have
not been eating for several hours. This makes breakfast a very important
meal because it stops the cataclysm.

5. Vary the Food
The body can become accustomed to a certain diet. If you eat the same food
for several years you can count on it that your development will stagnate.
Do not let the body become accustomed to your diet.

6. Choose the Right Supplement
There is an unbelievable amount of supplements on the market today. Alot
of them are junk. Only use supplements that you know work. Highly
recommended supplements are creatine and extra protein. There are alot
more supplements from which to choose, but these are the best from which
to start.

7. Get Enough Rest
It has been said that you grow during sleep, and sure it is true.
Do not train more than three days in a row. Some who really want to gain
muscle will only train two or even one day at a time. The results are
often impressive.

8. Train Right
If you are not sure of how to do an exercise, ask someone that is
knowledgeable about the exercise. If you are training incorrectly you will
not grow and your chances of hurting yourself are quite great.

9. Change the Routine
Change your training program every two months. Do not let the muscles
to the same routine.

10. Make Goals and Achieve Them
To train without a goal is meaningless. Make a goal, for example, to gain
six pounds of muscle mass. Do not give up before you have gained those
extra six pounds. Use all your knowledge about nutrition and training. It
is not only more fun to train with a goal, your progress will also
increase faster. You will be more motivated and you will train and attend
to your diet perfectly.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Antidepressants and School Shootings, Suicide, Addiction
The Truth About Antidepressants

88 per cent of clinical trials that showed antidepressant
drugs didn't work either weren't published in medical journals
or were presented as positive findings, says the study in the
New England Journal of Medicine.

Sadly, the $21 billion antidepressant industry is built more
on marketing hype than medical science.

Depressed About Results? Science May Explain It

Study Says Patients, Doctors Get Distorted View of Antidepressants

Anti-depressants may not work - report

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Abdominal Exercises

Ab Crunches

Ab Crunches are easily performed by lying on your back and placing the
calves on a bench so that the legs are bent at a 90 degree angle to
the floor. Place the hands behind the head and then raise the head
and shoulder blades off of the ground towards the knees. The range
of motion is rather short. It is not necessary to touch the forehead
to the knees as this would require improper form. Perform the ab
crunches slowly and deliberately for the greatest benefit.

Lying Leg Raises

Lying leg raises are an excellent abdominal exercise for the lower
abdominal muscles but will not help you to loose weight. To perform
lying leg raises lye down on your back placing the hands face down
underneath the lower back and rear end for better leverage. Bring
the knees up (bent legged) towards the chin while contracting the
abdominal muscles. Then return the legs to an almost straight legged
position stretching the abdominal muscles. The legs should be just
a few inches off of the floor at the starting point.


V-ups are an excellent abdominal exercise that strongly stresses the
lower abdominal muscles. Although V-Ups are an effective abdominal
exercise V-Ups are not for everyone. V-Ups are a more advanced
abdominal exercise.

To perform V-Ups sit at the end of a bench, place the hands face down
under the rear end for leverage, legs should be at 45-90 degree angles
from the floor and the upper body at about a 45-90 degree angle from
the bench. Now bring the knees up to the chest while simultaneously
bringing the chest towards the knees, repeat. The legs and torso
make a v-shape, thereby receiving the name V-Ups.

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Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
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Friday, January 18, 2008

The Truth About Psychiatry

"The re-interpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, ...are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy."
(G. Brock Chisholm, past president, World Federation for Mental Health.)

"If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil, it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility."
(G. Brock Chisholm, past president, World Federation for Mental Health)

"Even for their own good the blacks must be treated as what they are, an absolutely subordinate, inferior, lower type of men, incapable themselves of culture. That must once and for all be clearly stated."
(August Forel, psychiatrist, quoted in "Bernhardt Schreiber".)

"The mental health establishment has snowed the American people: it launches the most unimaginable brutal psychological and physical assault on human beings in distress, calls this 'medical treatment', and then blames the outcome on 'mental illness'."
(Seth Farber, PhD)

"...In numbers unmatched in any part of the world, U.S. school children are diagnosed and drugged in a quid pro quo association between education and for-profit psychiatry and psychology. Labeled "brain-diseased", the schools have an excuse for the rampant illiteracy and unpreparedness, cause enough for the mounting unhappiness and failure of the children, while psychiatry/psychology gains lifetime patients.
(Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. educator and psychologist)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pactical Pullups vs. Powerlifting Pullups
By Pavel Tsatsouline

Choose your pullup form to match your goals.

In the military and law enforcement the pullup sets one up for a
muscle-out over an obstacle. The operator needs to get maximally
close to the bar and as high above it as possible. This can only
be achieved when you look straight rather than up and 'hunch over'
on the top of the pullup. This engages powerful muscles in the
front of the rib cage and adds height to the pullup.

When powerlifter Ed Coan does pullups he looks up and arches his
back. This groove brings the body under the bar rather than over
it so is not appropriate for tactical applications. But a
powerlifter is not training to climb fences. He strengthens
his upper back muscles to assist in spine stabilization in
deadlifts and the arch is perfect for that. Besides, the lats
are emphasized in the modern bench press technique. The
'PL pullup' works the lats better then the tactical pullup as
the lats can fully contract only when the back is arched.

Pavel Tsatsouline is the author of "Power to the People!
Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American"
for full infomation go to

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Healthy Eating Tips
By Dr. Kem Thompson

Everyone knows that we have to eat healthily in order to stay
healthy. Yet many people find it hard to do so. One useful
way to get you into the habit of eating healthily is by
applying a few principles to the way you eat. I've
outlined 7 of them below.

I. Eat small portions of food for each meal.

II. Eat frequently. Most adults get hungry about 4 hours after
their last meal.

Aim to eat at least 5 small sized meals each day. This keeps
your metabolic rate high.

III. Eat foods that you enjoy eating, making sure that each
meal contains all the essential nutrients (protein,
carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins).

IV. Eat only when you’re hungry.

V. Stop eating as soon as you feel full: practice pushing
away your plate with food still on it when you’ve had enough.

Don’t aim to wipe the plate clean, and don’t eat until you
feel stuffed. Eat until you’re comfortably satisfied.

VI. Drink a lot of water. Scientists recommend that we drink
roughly 8 (250mls) glasses of water each day.

Water helps you stay full, and if you’re eating only when
you’re hungry, it means you’ll eat less without feeling
like you’re depriving yourself. It also helps you flush
out toxins from your body which otherwise could interfere
with your body’s normal metabolism.

VII. Eating should be a pleasure, not a pain. For any
food plan to work, it has to be practical, enjoyable,
flexible and nutritious. Any plan that's based on
depriving you of some food or other is almost certainly
doomed to fail in the long term.

Try incorporating the above tips into the way you eat.
Start with one of them, practice it for a week (or
until you're used to it), then start on another one.

If you make changes in small steps, you won't be
overwhelmed and easily discouraged by your progress.

So make a small change each time; celebrate (or reward
yourself) for each success, no matter how small you
think it is.

Remember, every baby step is bringing you closer to
your desired goal of being a healthy eater.

With persistence, you will find that eating healthily
is not only possible, but it's fun.

So go for it!

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Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

South Beach Diet Review

The South Beach Diet is not a traditional low-carb diet. Instead
it emphasizes the choice of good carbohydrates and good fats.

The South Beach is divided into three phases. In Phase One, most
carbohydrates are banned to give your body a complete rest from
fluctuating blood sugar and insulin levels. The theory is this
will help to resolve insulin resistance.

During Phase One, the banned foods list includes bread, rice,
potatoes, pasta, fruit, milk, sweets, cake, biscuits, ice cream,
sugar and alcohol. A few low GI veg such as broccoli and cabbage
are allowed, but the focus is on eating lean meat, chicken, fish,
eggs, low-fat cheese, some nuts and olive oil.

In Phase Two, low GI carbs including most fruits, Granary bread,
wholegrain cereals and pasta and low-fat milk are reintroduced.
The idea is to stay with this phase until you've reached your

Finally, in Phase Three you introduce an even wider variety of

South Beach Diet Sample Recipe

Crab Cobb Salad

Phase 1
Serves 2

6 cups romaine lettuce
6 oz crabmeat
1 cup diced tomatoes
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
2 tbsp cholesterol-free bacon bits
1/4 cup olive oil vinaigrette

Chill 2 Plates. Arrange the lettuce on a large serving platter.
Arrange the crabmeat, tomatoes, blue cheese, and bacon bits in rows
over the lettuce. Right before serving, drizzle some dressing
evenly over the salad and toss well. Transfer to the 2 chilled

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