Wednesday, May 26, 2004

By John Brown

Everybody loves big arms and the routines penned here should help
most, if not all of you, no matter what stage of development you
currently are at. So pay attention!

For the first six weeks I want you to do this:

BARBELL CURLS 4-6 sets of 6 repetitions.

INCLINE DUMBBELL CURLS 4-6 sets of 6 repetitions

I want you to go heavy on this but not at the expense of good
form. Try 2-3 times a week, depending on your stage of development.

For the next six weeks you can do this super-setting with biceps and triceps:

BARBELL CURLS 4-6 sets of 6 reps super-setted with

LYING TRICEP EXTENSIONS 4-6 sets of 6 reps. And:

INCLINE DUMBBELL CURLS 4-6 sets of 6 reps super-setted with

INCLINE PUSHDOWNS 4-6 sets of 6 reps.

Then for the next six weeks superset each muscle group separately
to get a maximum pump. Here goes:

BARBELL CURLS 4-6 sets of 6-8 reps super-setted with

INCLINE DUMBBELL CURLS 4-6 sets of 6 -8 reps. And then:

LYING TRICEP EXTENSIONS 4-6 sets of 6 -8 reps super-setted with

TRICEP PRESSDOWNS 4-6 sets of 6 -8 reps.

After completing 6 weeks of that agony your arms should feel really swollen and full. So you can now go back to your regular straight set routine as in the first six weeks, but this time pick two new exercises for each muscle group.

Nothing fancy or complicated, just basic heavy training and you'll get results beyond your wildest dreams. This is a time proven formula that has brought success to many champions in the past. It can do the same for you.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

By Dan Gallapoo

Deadlifting can be tough, no doubt about it. But, once you
get used to it you won't want to stop because it gives

The back is one of the main areas to focus on for increasing
overall body mass (legs are the other) and no other exercise
HITs all areas of the back like deadlifts; from the traps down
to the lower erectors.

Here are a few tips:

I only advise deadlifting once every 10 to 14 days. When you're
just starting the exercise, you can deadlift every 7 days.

Go SLOW when you start doing deadlifts. Don't get too anxious
and make big weight jumps. Make sure you have the form down
so you don't even have to think about it.

Never jerk the deadlift. Your arms must not have any slack and
should be held tight. And there's no need to do a shrug or bend
the arms at the top of a deadlift.

Don't overextend your back at the top by leaning back too far.
Stand erect, period.

Keep your back flat and NEVER round your lower back during a

I also recommend using a lifting belt.

Warm up thoroughly with a light weight. This also helps you
practice your technique in perfect form.

Don't go lower than 6 reps unless you are going to enter a
powerlifting competition.

Here are some other exercises to help build a big, strong back:

CHINS - An AWESOME back builder. When you can do 10 with
your bodyweight, strap extra weight around you. NEVER over
stretch in the bottom and let your shoulders rotate! You are
asking for a shoulder injury if you do. Always be under control
and don't try and explode in the bottom - squeeze it up. Don't
go below 6 on these.

ONE ARM DUMBBELL ROWS - Do these with both your fists
parallel and perpendicular to the body. Again, don't jerk these,
squeeeeeeezzzzze. Don't rotate your trunk either. I really like
these because with a knee up on the bench, there is no stress
on the low back. Also, I found these to be second to deadlifts for thickness.

Here's an example of a sample back specialization routine:

Deadlifts - warmups, 3 to 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps.

Chins - 2 to 3 sets of 6 to 10 reps.

One Arm Dumbell Rows - 2 to 3 sets of 6 to 12 reps.

THAT'S IT! And believe me, you'll probably feel it the next day!

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Sunday, May 09, 2004

By Z-Man

I started working out in 1989. Seriously working out, while I was
in the army. (For all those guys that are in the military and are
expected to run long distances or march long distances. Don't
worry about getting big. Your job requires you to have endurance
and strength. Strength that will last all day. So don't go into the
gym and do allot of weight for 1 to 6 reps. Thats not the
infantryman's workout. You need to go into the gym and do 4
sets of 12 reps. That doesn't mean stay at the same weight.
When you can do a weight for 4 sets of 12 without a spot. It is
time to go up in weight. even if your partner has to help you with
the last 4 reps still go for 12reps. Stay there for an hour.
Concentrate on the areas that your job requires you to excel

Remember this formula:
Pushup= Bench press, Dumbbell Flies. Military Press. Lat pull
downs. Pull ups, Dumbbell Rows, Barbell Rows. Go to the gym
for no less than 40 minutes a day and no more than 1 hour.
Work at a fast pace, with no more than 1 minute brakes in
between sets. Go for 6 days a week and divide workout like this.
When you do legs you need to do 4 sets of 20 of every exercise.
Legs can endure much more than the upperbody and there is
much more required. Formula For this is:

Legs= Squat, leg curls, leg extensions, Leg Press, calf raises,
and what ever else you see people doing in the gym that
doesn't appear to be Dangerous.

Now only do this workout if things like Running, road marching,
and PT tests. wear you out and you barely meet minimum
requirements. This is why I started working out. I found
workouts like this in Muscle Mag and other guys that have been
in the military for a long period of time.

My Accomplishments after working out like this until 1992 was:

*PT Score was 296-300 average every time.
*EIB Roadmarch 2 Hours. 5 Minutes. 1st place out of 500 soldiers.
*Chosen to represent my Battalion in the Biathlon Compition.
Placed 3rd in Every division in Alaska.
*Chosen to Represent my Battalion in Division Orienteering
competition. Placed 3rd again in Alaska. Ran 18 miles that day
with a broken foot that I tripped over while looking at the map
while I was running. Lost my watch and still came in 20 minutes
*Represented my Company in the Battalion obstacle Coarse.
1st place.
*1 of 5 men in battalion chosen to be one of the Battalion Scout

One other thing that I blame my success on was. While
everyone else was out to the bars drinking their beer and
wisky with all there drunken women that is looking for a soldier
to drag down to thier level. I was doing something like Hiking,
Camping, Rock climbing or some adventure with Good women
that didn't drink or have a looser attitude. Now that, I can
brag about for the rest of my life. I wasn't always like that.
I have seen both sides. One day I woke up and realized that
life was to short to live small and sell my self short.

I am not bragging! I am just letting you know that this can be
you and you can get results just like I did. I was Fat, Lazy,
unmotivated and only met life half way. When I made up my
mind that, this is who I wanted to be. 6 WEEKS LATER I
STARTED TO SHINE. I had sergeants asking me what I think
we should do and I was just a private. So Remember: (Be A
Leader! Not A Follower!) You set the example for others to



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Thursday, May 06, 2004

By Jay Thompson

I have been surfing alot of the sites and forums and have
found many things to be consistent with beginners. Some
of the common questions, with accompanying answers
are listed below:

1) I just started bodybuilding and would like to know what
supplements I need to take to get big!

There are three things that you need to concern yourself
when beginning. Eating the right food and drinking enough
water to keep your body functioning optimally; Training
properly; and SLEEPING/RESTING! You must understand that
you do not grow while working out. Your muscles grow in
response to the stress placed upon them, ie. weight training.

2) What exercises should I do?

Assuming that you are trying to get big, you need to do basics.
Chest=Incline Bench Press, Flat Bench Press, Dumbbell Flye,
Dumbbell Pullovers, Dips. Back=Chins, DEADLIFTS, T-Bar Rows,
1 Arm Dumbbell Rows, Low Pulley Rows. Biceps=Standing Barbell
Curl, Alternate Dumbbell Curl. Forearms=Wrist Curls, Reverse Curls,
Hammer Curls. Triceps=Close Grip Bench Press, French Curl, Dips,
Skull Crushers. Quads=Squats, Leg Press, Front Squats. Hams=Stiff
Legged Deadlifts, Ham Curl. Calves=All Variations of the Calf Raise.
These are, in my opinion, the best exercises for each bodypart.

3) How do I lose the fat on my stomach?

The answer to all variations of this question is proper diet and proper
training. Your abs don't just come to you when you get big enough. You
need to work them from the beginning. Not only does a strong
mid-section look good, it protects you from injury by stabilizing your
trunk. Many of the people you hear complaining about lower back pain
have a big gut! The fact is that you can't lose the fat on your stomach.
You can only lose fat throughout your body. Doing 5,000 situps a day
won't do any good without a good diet and cardio program.

4) How often should I lift?

Train each body part ONCE A WEEK! That's it. Train no more than 4 days
a week. On the other days, eat, sleep, drink water and be happy.

5) I want to gain weight and get my six pack.

I saw this one today. This is a misnomer. You can either gain weight or
get a six pack. You are going to have to choose. You really can't have the
best of both worlds. In order to get big, you have to take in more calories
than are required for maintenance. To cut, you must ingest less calories
than maintenance while keeping protein high to prevent muscle loss.
Of course once you have built size you can then work on getting cut.

6) Do weight gainers help?

I saw this question and HAD to respond. Weight gainers are a way for the
supplement companies to trick the beginner easily. They post an ad with
some FREAK and say that he made his gains using this weight gain!
Really? Ask the model endorsing the product. By saying you need more
calories to gain weight and offering weight gain shakes as the answer,
beginners are confused into thinking that they NEED weight gainers to
get big. Fact is, you just need plenty of real, good food. Eat tuna, chicken
breasts, lean red meat, turkey, beans, rice, potatoes, oatmeal, fresh
veggies, etc to get big. It is more beneficial for you to eat properly than
to drink a weight gainer!

7) Why don't I get sore muscles after my workout?

It does not mean that you have not worked your muscles sufficiently if
you don't get sore. Work at 100% intensity, with perfect form and you
will get results!

8) I can't "feel" the exercise working.

This is usually heard when someone is performing with too much weight
in poor form. You don't get the burn in the muscles you are working
because you are working every other muscle except for the "target"
muscle. For example, many people do curls with entirely too much weight
and are bending over backwards to "lift" the weight! You are going to
strain your back and/or shoulders, along with a host of other muscles.
You might not pick up the heaviest weights in the gym, but using the
proper weight for your strength, you will benefit in the long run! Take
your ego to the club and your ass to the gym!

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